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     OMGosh!!!!! I just got done listening to Dr. Jerome Corsi on Elijah Stream ministry on Rumble. I never heard of this man before, but he has a Ph.D from Harvard University Dept. of Gov’t.  After he graduated he worked as a University Professor, did field tests proving telephone hearings met standards for national security hearings, and worked with the U.S. State Dept. on terrorism. He worked for 25 yrs. in financial services. He wrote over 30 books on politics and economics. He founded Corstet, LLC, and developing software for medical services and launched 2 telemedicine companies to allow more affordable help via telephone for those needing those services.  

     One of the books he’s written is The Final Analysis of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  Founder, Steve Shultz, of Elijah Stream ministries interviewed him.  I never heard of this book before today and was totally overwhelmed by what I was seeing. There were very graphic pictures of Kennedy’s head and skull. The information he gave about how the government has been lying to us for over 60 years about his death, and the fact that the CIA was in charge of the entire sordid event was mind blowing.  This is the most in depth explanation I’ve ever listened to about Kennedy’s death.  I don’t know why it’s just now coming out, but I’m compelled to put it out because I think it’s something that every person who’s a citizen of this country should know.  

     I would recommend getting a cup of coffee or tea or something comforting to you, and making time to listen and watch the entire broadcast.  You can skip the 2 commercials (Click on Skip Ads on the bottom right) and then go to timeline 3:52 to start the interview.   


      Okay people!!!  I’ve got a video for you that will blow your socks off, especially if you’re just “waking up”.  It’s from Doug & Stacy Off Grid on YouTube.  This video was made 40 years ago!  They’ve been trying to tell us all along folks.  We just weren’t listening.  The video part speaks for itself, but Doug reads some very interesting facts that come out of the actual document they made in 1871 that was in a museum until 1977, when they “took it out”.  Things that make you go “hmmmm”…

     It talks about and shows Bush, Sr. (who was the head of the CIA at one point) talking about the New World Order.  I was fooled by the Bush’s.  I voted for them! I thought they were good people and great political leaders and was totally WRONG!  They were pedophiles, sex traffickers, murderers (911 & Kennedy -  who knows how many others) and traitors of the United States of America under the original Constitution.  They knew we were under The USA Corporation and continued to work toward the overtaking of this country during their entire political careers. Shame on me for not knowing or trying to find out.

     Pay specific attention to what they say about the Statue of Liberty.  I just learned about that this year.  That statue was not given to us by the French as a gift of liberty.  It was given by the Illuminati Freemasonry organization as a symbol of what was going to take over this country in the long run.  These people have been planning this before we even had a revolution.  None of what’s happening right now, in our time frame, is by accident.  It’s all been planned.  Albert Pike, who was a 33rd degree mason (find out how you get to be that and it’ll make you barf), became the Grand Commander in 1859 and was detrimental in developing the rituals of the Order.  He wrote the book on the Worship which is steeped in Hinduism.  He served for 32 years. He died at 81 and is the only confederate military officer with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C.  Sick dude.

     Now those of you who believe that there is a group that is presently taking down all these factions in Europe, may think, “Oh, no big deal.  This is all being handled by Trump and the White Hats…  But those of you who don’t even know about that battle will be scared into believing that the sky is going to fall and how could this ever have happened.  

     I personally believe both.  I know there are people working to bring these satanic worshippers, pedophiles, sex traffickers and perverted NewWorldOrder globalists down.  And I say, Praise the Lord for that!  But as a born-again, spirit believing Christian, I know this is all God’s plan, ‘cause He’s been planning this ever since He birthed this world with Adam & Eve.  That means that there is an end to this world!  I also believe we are in the End of Days and Jesus will be returning very, very soon.  All that needs to happen for that event has happened.  There’s only 1 thing left and that’s the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, which is preceded by the sacrifice of the red heifer, which they are planning to do very soon because they have 2 of them. 

     So, repent (ask forgiveness and turn away from) your sins, ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior, start reading the New Testament Bible and talk (prayer) to God every single day.  It’s not going to be long.  Luke 21:28:  Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”