Linda Rezende graduate of LHS '67
Linda Rezende graduate of LHS '67




It's our sad duty to announce another passing of one of our 1967 alumni, Linda Rezende.  Linda passed away on December 30, 2024.  For more information, please see our Memorial page.

Craig Eby at 50th Reunion
Craig Eby at 50th Reunion

     I received an email from Joe Kempfer about our classmate, Craig Eby.  The email is from Craig's wife, MaryLou.  Here's the email:


Greetings everyone,

     If you are not "friends" on Facebook with MaryLou Eby, Craig's wife, she posted an update on Craig's condition a day or 2 ago and she has said that it was OK for me to share it with you all.  So, without further ado, here is her update in her own words:

Dear Facebook Friends,

     As determined by a multitude of physicians over the last year, at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, Craig has an incurable and A-typical form of Parkinson’s Disease, called Corticobasal Degeneration.  He has nerve pain on the whole right side of his body, struggles with standing and walking, and is always at risk of falling.  His brain cells are shrinking on one side of his brain, affecting both physical movement and his ability to express his thoughts. This causes symptoms similar to dementia, such as frequent frustration, agitation and tears.

     Physical and Occupational Therapy for over the past 14 months have been very difficult and painful for him. Therefore, since his prognosis is both progressive and incurable, we are now using hospice, in order to improve his quality of life, for as long as he has left on this earth. Craig appears to be in no imminent concern, as he is much more comfortable now, and still able to walk with his walker, under my supervision and support. In fact, unlike the common perception, he may be on hospice for a year or two, (God willing, that it is renewable. Jimmy Carter is a perfect example).

     Craig has a hearty appetite and fully enjoys 3 meals a day!!! He watches and understands NFL football and college football (Go Eagles and Go Penn State!!). And is still better than me at Jeopardy (although it takes him a minute to think about what he is trying to say.  He also continues to have a great sense of humor and we laugh at the same jokes that we’ve always enjoyed in 46 years of marriage!

     We appreciate your prayers on our behalf. We know that God is with us, and we find comfort in our morning devotions together, and especially in our blessed assurance of eternal life with Jesus Christ, our Savior.  I so appreciate how the Apostle Paul describes it in 2 Cor-inthians 5:1-9. (Interestingly, these verses are expressed particularly well in the good old “Living Bible” version!)


Thank you for taking the time to read this….

Mary Lou


I'm sure Craig would love to hear from a bunch of his old classmates: phone, text, e-mail, snail mail, whatever. Do it today - Penn State plays tonight!


Craig and MaryLou Eby

117 Laurel Wood Way, Unit 201

St. Augustine, FL 32086

904-540-3777 (Craig’s cell)

904-540-3612 (MaryLou’s cell)


Stay well,



50 years later and still smiling
50 years later and still smiling

50th Class Reunion

     The Liberty High School, Class of '67, 50th Reunion was a huge success!  A big 'thank you' goes out to all who attended. The Reunion Committee members felt that all our efforts were worth it!  Everyone had a great time and the display's that were set up had a steady stream of classmates gazing at pictures and items brought in by other classmates. The room was filled with chatter and laughter as people reconnected with classmates they hadn't seen in 50 years!  I believe we will carry many warm memories with us for years to come from this milestone event.  
     Other thanks goes out to our guest speaker, Gary Lavelle for sharing his heart with us. Many will carry those words home with them. Thanks to John Bereuter for his help in setting up and tearing down.  He also contributed many pieces of memorabilia to our display table.  Thanks John.  You've got the gift of helps.
     And last, but not least, a huge thank you goes to our tour guide, John Quigley, and Liberty High School, for allowing us to see the new renovations made to our ole' Alma Mater.  It was fun. We were so impressed with the new additions and changes made to so many areas of the campus.  The cafeteria was amazing and the pool! I wanted to jump in and take a swim, lol.  
     All things do come to an end and even though it's over, the memories we took with us from this weekend will warm our hearts for a long time to come.  Stay connected to this website for future events, maybe even before 5 more years :)


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