All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

     I recently received an email from Joe Kempfer about two of our classmates:  John Strohl and Craig Eby.  Here is the information he had in them.  If you wish to contact John, Craig or Joe, please send me that desire to, and I will pass your name along to Joe to contact you so he can give you the info personally.  I think that would be the safest way to do that.  Here are the emails, minus the personal info you can get from me...

Hi Guys,

     I’m writing to you today to give you a little news about our mate, John Strohl.  John is not doing very well.  I got a call from Ron Kline on Thursday or Friday.  He was with Ted McKosky and they were touring the U.S. Army Historical Museum at Fort Belvoir, VA.  He had gotten a call from Tommy Detsch informing him that John is not doing well and wanted some phone numbers for John, or for us to give John a call just to chat. 

     I since spoke with Tommy Detsch, Janet Strohl, and John, himself, on Saturday.   Janet told me that John has congestive heart failure, diabetes, and is on oxygen.  He can’t do stairs and is reluctant to go to doctors or hospitals.   He has a tendency to have fluid buildup around his heart and lungs and then has to go to the hospital to have it removed, drained, or whatever it is they do. 

     They didn’t have any phone numbers of any of his old mates (except Tommy Detsch) so I’m putting together a list of our old classmates / teammates to send to John.  I’m also going to bring him up to date regarding a number of our classmates who have recently passed and the general goings on of us. 

     If you have the time, give John a call just to say “Hi” and catch up a little.  If you’d rather talk to Janet first, that’s fine too.  Just don’t put it off for too long though.

Stay well ~


Here's the 2nd email about Craig Eby...

     As if the news for John Strohl wasn’t bad enough, I recently received a message from MaryLou Eby, Craig Eby’s wife.  Craig (Mr. School Spirit!) is not in good shape either.  I am enclosing her reply, in its entirety, to my message about John’s condition.  Both Mary Lou and Craig have given me permission to share this information with you – his classmates.   If you fancy sending an e-mail to Craig or MaryLou, please do.  Old fashioned letters and cards are certainly acceptable as well. 

     I realize that as we get older, stuff stops working the way it was intended to work.  Life happens.  I’m sure many of you are dealing with your own ailments.  As Geoffrey Chaucer once said, “Time and tide wait for no man”.  And so it is with us mortals.   Stay well - - -



From Karen Wilt,

     I apologize for the lateness of these emails.  I was having issues with my computer and just a couple days ago, fixed it.  They don't make it easy to fix your own stuff anymore, but there's a way around most everything.  

     Again, if you want the information for Craig and John, please contact me at  I will send your name and address to Joe and he can pass that along to you.  

Blessings to you all.

Karen Wilt


Letter from MaryLou Eby to Joe,

      This is MaryLou Eby, Craig’s wife. Thank you for your news on John Strohl!  Craig was very interested to hear, and we are sorry for this news.  Since Craig has trouble using our computer and typing on his cell phone, I am responding at his request.  

     Craig has recently been diagnosed with a form of Parkinsonism called “Corticobasal Degeneration,” a rare and debilitating cognitive disease.  It has affected his balance, making him a fall risk, not to mention difficulty expressing himself verbally, as his mind has slowed down as well as his body. He struggles to walk even with a walker, but he is receiving Physical Therapy twice a week at an excellent Parkinsons Clinic.

     We have been having numerous appointments up at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, to find the correct diagnosis and treatment.  Anyway, he asked me to please let you know, and gives you permission to share with your mutual alumni.  We appreciate prayers for his comfort and safety.  Thank you so much!


MaryLou Eby

50 years later and still smiling
50 years later and still smiling

50th Class Reunion

     The Liberty High School, Class of '67, 50th Reunion was a huge success!  A big 'thank you' goes out to all who attended. The Reunion Committee members felt that all our efforts were worth it!  Everyone had a great time and the display's that were set up had a steady stream of classmates gazing at pictures and items brought in by other classmates. The room was filled with chatter and laughter as people reconnected with classmates they hadn't seen in 50 years!  I believe we will carry many warm memories with us for years to come from this milestone event.  
     Other thanks goes out to our guest speaker, Gary Lavelle for sharing his heart with us. Many will carry those words home with them. Thanks to John Bereuter for his help in setting up and tearing down.  He also contributed many pieces of memorabilia to our display table.  Thanks John.  You've got the gift of helps.
     And last, but not least, a huge thank you goes to our tour guide, John Quigley, and Liberty High School, for allowing us to see the new renovations made to our ole' Alma Mater.  It was fun. We were so impressed with the new additions and changes made to so many areas of the campus.  The cafeteria was amazing and the pool! I wanted to jump in and take a swim, lol.  
     All things do come to an end and even though it's over, the memories we took with us from this weekend will warm our hearts for a long time to come.  Stay connected to this website for future events, maybe even before 5 more years :)


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