Awake or Woke?

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No vaccine has ever cured ANYTHING!  Mandatory vaccines are murder in the 1st degree!


          Have you seen and heard enough to know that we have a major problem in our government?  Have you seen how the WHO has falsefied what Covid really was and how many people (over 373,000,000 deaths and injuries currently in the U.S.) have been killed or injured permanently from the "so-called" vaccines? 

          There is an organization called WHO.  This organization is one of the many organizations that have risen up in the past few years who “think” they know and have the “right” to do whatever they want “globally”, and we all have to follow what “they” say.  Do you think that ANYONE has that right… especially over our country, the United States of America, under our Constitution and our Bill of Rights?  I know I don’t.  

          Well, the organization WHO thinks it can and they’re in cahoots with our current administration in Washington D.C.  Now whether or not you believe that Byedon is even alive or that the 2020 election was rigged, right now, doesn’t matter.  This administration wants a bill passed that will make ALL our liberties null and void, even the Bill of Rights and especially our Constitution.  Listen to this short video about it.  This is real folks…. and very scary….





     This video, unfortunately, speaks for itself, but I just wanted you guys to see just how evil it's getting in our world in these last days.  It's all because this country, that was founded on "In God We Trust" have basically pushed all that out the door with the end of prayer in schools, not getting Christians involved in government because we all fell for the LIE of "separation of church and state"

"The government is on Jesus's shoulders", Isaiah 9:6. 

     The Bible says that we should not only be talking and praying about government in our churches and schools, we should all be believing the same thing because our laws should coincide with the Bible.  Other things that have pushed Jesus and the Bible out the door is accepting that abortion is a right

"Our bodies should be living sacrifices to God", Romans 12:1. 

God gave us these bodies.  No one has the right to kill an unborn child, periodAnother reason is the acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism as okay.  We have been so desensitized by the lies our generation, and at least 2 other generations before us, were fed that we allow this to start changing our laws, our government, the way we live (allowing boys to go into girls bathrooms and now they're putting litter boxes in schools so the kids who think they're cats have a place to go potty), HELLO!  Have we all gone mad?  Listen to this deeply disturbed person...





     This just came out yesterday.  I knew they were having some kind of worldwide conference with doctors from all over about Covid, but, I didn't know when or where.  I got this off of Telegram last night and had to put it out.  I totally agree with it 'cause I've had covid twice when it just came out and yet, I had no problem with it.  I used Ivermectin and Flonase and it was the best flu I ever had.  Most of the time when I get a cold or flu, it goes into my lungs and turns into bronchitis... this did not.  I said, "Hey, if this is covid, I'll take it any day instead of the normal flu's I usually get."    

“We have NO Panedemic”

“We have a PCR Test Pandemic”

“The PCR Test cannot tell us anything”

“The Virus is no more dangerous than the common Flu - even The WHO admit this

What!!!  The WHO admits that?  They're the ones who were pushing and pushing for the vaccines because Covid was so dangerous and deadly!  NO!  Covid wasn't deadly!  The vaccine was deadly!  I told you folks... Fauci did illegal experiments on Africans to find out which vaccine killed the most people.  Remdesivir killed over 51% of the people it was used on and that's the one he bought and brought to the United States of America!  His tribunal and execution have already happened, (for Treason and Crimes Against Humanity) but I'm sure they'll make it look like it's just happening now.

     Now I know the things that have been coming out about what's in and on those PCR tests....  DO NOT take ANY of them!  I implore you... DO NOT take them.  They're putting all kinds of things on those swabs and some of that is nano technology, covid itself, bird flu, and many other so-called plagues they're trying to reinvent to get us locked down, isolated and controlled again!  Check this out....