This clip was found on the "And We Know" podcast on 7/5/24 on  He's jogging and the words coming out of his mouth are a spoof of course, but so true.  We gave up our ties with England when we won our "Independance".  I use that term loosely, because President Grant signed us into and under English rule, taxation and governing again when he signed a loan with the Federal Reserve and Central Banking System in 1871.  This guy tells it like it is and still is and will be until the Central Banking system is gone!  That won't be fun, but it NEEDS to be done!  We revolted and took our freedom over a 2% tea tax and yet what we pay England and the Vatican now is astronomical and none of that money has ever gone into OUR Treasury.  It's all illegal and hopefully that comes out NOW!

(To watch the video quicker, click on the Skip Ad, bottom right, maybe twice.)


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