This video is about the prophetic way Rabbi Jonathan Cahn views Trump's return in conjunction with how the Bible describes his return. Rabbi Cahn views Trump as one who was chosen by God to do a job in this time, and we are privileged to watch it all unfold. Listen to what he says as he compares Trump's inaugural speech to what the Bible says about it and this time. I hope you find the awe and supernatural wonder of God in and throughout his prophetic utterance.
Unfortunately, this video is from YouTube, so you'll see "commercials" in between. As soon as you see SKIP, click on it and it'll resume the video.
I continue to encourage everyone to watch Before the Wrath if you want to understand anything about the Rapture of the church in these last days and “why” it's going to happen. It’s on the Blogs & Vlogs page at the bottom. Just click on the picture and it’ll take you to the documentary. Be blessed with these enlightening videos and seriously consider turning your life, heart and mind over to the one who created you in the 1st place. He loves you more than you’ll ever know and came down to be one of us so he could save us all... but it’s totally up to you to decide that course of action. He won’t force Himself on anyone. But if you say yes, you'll be on the most incredible journey of your life. God waits for you with open arms. Heed His call. Today is the day of salvation. Don't wait till tomorrow...
Here's another prophetic video by Jonathan Cahn. He's on fire with what those 4 lightning strikes that happened on New Year's Eve were all about. I think you'll find this very interesting. Signs like these are usually warnings. There's also a planetary line up on the 21st of this month and that is another cosmos sign of something. And there's going to be a blood moon on the beginning of the Jewish holiday, Passover. There's a lot going on in the skies people and God's not only talking; He's yellin'.
These are some simple signs of the Coming Apocalypse that are so evident, you can't deny them. This shorter video about the End Times is another amazing video that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn just came out with. His latest book, The Dragon Prophecy is something else. But it's in a story telling type that isn't as clear as his sermons are. Just remember folks... we are in the End Times, but if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, these times are nothing to fear. He is coming back for His people, and they will be taken out of the coming war, which some will call WWIII or Armaggedon or the Tribulation. But many will still get saved during those times, but, it will not be an easy transition. Come to the altar now and accept Jesus. He died for you so you won't have to go through all this. He loves you.