Insights for Today
(As usual, click on Skip Ad, bottom right, sometimes twice, to see all videos)
The IRS is illegal and we should not be paying taxes at all!  Check out this video...

          I have a few short videos below to show you some of the things going on, but the main thing of this post are the links to AMG News.  They have quite a few posts that are exposing much of the inside information of the globalists.  A lot of what’s “never been out there before” is going to be coming out now!  The people who have been fighting a fight that we never even knew was going on for quite a few years, even before Trump was voted in, are almost finished with the majority of what they had to do before the next phase steps in.  There’s short 3 minute video of why Trump is even in all this that I thought would be of interest, especially to those who don’t like him.  Here are the Links to AMG News:

      1.            BOMBSHELL! Project Monarch and the Portrait of King Charles III: “The Blood That The British Empire Shed All Over The World Is On My Hands”

      2.            ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Know Your Enemy - Shocking Exposures of the Mysterious ‘Committee of 300’ – Elite Network Exposed!


      4.            Exposing the Global Elite’s Resource Hoarding: How Global Elites Hoard Vast Stockpiles of Earth’s Most Valuable Resources to Enslave Humanity

            There is also a list of the “Secret Society of 300”, which to my knowledge has never been out there before.  I found It interesting too because I “never knew this before now”.  I was surprised at some of the names on the society of 300.  For instance, not only was I surprised at “who” but “where” they were from.  I knew that John Jacob Astor was on the Titanic when it sunk.  J.P. Morgan owned the White Star Line and was part of the globalists and knew that Astor would vote down the Federal Reserve Central Banking system and told the Captain of that ship to sink it.  Why would the Captain do that?  He was part of that organization and they would give their lives for the ultimate goal of their organization - control of the world.  They were all steeped in Satanism, pedophilia, and probably weren’t even human inside anymore.  They were totally controlled by demonic possessions when they sold their souls to Satan, Himself.  This is spiritual folks… this is the end of days.  


     This video I had on a while before but felt it was worth putting back on.  This guy is explaining how the Global Agenda changed so many times and why.  Trump was one of the reasons because “he was an accident” and was never in the plan to begin with.  The 2nd video tells “why” Trump was entered into the plan to go against the Globalists.  It wasn’t his idea!





Lawsuits against CDC, WHO, WEF, etc