Breaking News

This video just showed up on Charlie Ward's channel and I didn't know whether to cry, throw up or be happy about it.  It blatantly and unequivocally puts covid in it's proper place and explains exactly what it is and where it came from.  The part that makes me want to throw up is that this all started in 1965 and our government continued to push it through the stages to end up doing what it did - killing millions of people and permanently injuring just as many.  All this makes me sick to my stomach, but this must come out and be shown...  I pray that everyone listens to every word and passes this on.



     Hear are new podcasts on the 8th & 9th of July from England, with Drew Demi & Paul Brooker.  Charlie Ward is  still out on a leave with his family.  The 1st one is the regular Daily News but the 2nd one is a bunch of crazy videos designed to put a little laughter into your day.  As I was watching them, I wasn't sure if Americans are ready for English humor?  But I will let them entertain you this time.  Maybe they're running out of actual news to share... who knows.  It's a crazy world we're in right now and this shows just how much.  Don't forget to Skip Ads twice and then FF a few seconds till Drew & Paul start.  Enjoy and hope everyone's 4th of July was exciting and fun.   (Is that even possible anymore?) 






     The things that are coming out now are mind blowing. I had a short video about the mark of the beast coming out, but wait till you view this video.  One of the speakers, Jason Bermas, a filmmaker, who showed the most wicked and evil progression of Ai I’ve ever seen.  I had no idea it was this far advanced.  This is scary stuff people and it’s very real.  If you haven’t been able to see that we are in the END TIMES, this video may just do that for you.  UN-BE-LIVE-ABLE!!!!!!!