Current Events

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How Our Treasury Works in a Nutshell

          The video below is an interview with Dr. Kirk Elliott, an entrepreneur who created his own consulting firm, plus he’s a financial advisor and Seth Holehouse, a podcaster and much more talking about our financial situation in America.  The reason I’m putting this out is because they are saying it just like it is and in a simple, plain way that anyone can understand.

          I’m not the sharpest tack in the box when it comes to financial things.  It’s hard for me to understand the “hows” on the financial industry.  I’m reading a book now called The Killing of Uncle Sam and just finished the chapter on how the Federal Reserve was created along with the Central Banking system, which HAS to come down very soon so we can move forward, but realized afterward that I understood very little about what I just read.  It’s so crazy how that organization works, it’s truly unbelievable.  But they made it that way, plus it’s not even “part” of our government at all.  It’s its own business and it runs our financial system since way back in 1913 or 1917.  The IRS is an illegal agency in this country. None of us should be paying taxes to them at all.  Federal tax agents, trying to find laws on many people who just won’t pay taxes anymore, have left their jobs because when they looked for the laws to uphold their convictions with these people, they COULDN”T FIND ANY!  That’s because there are no laws that say we have to pay taxes to the IRS.  

          These guys are talking about it and say it in a simpler manner and way that I can’t, so have a listen and start your own research into these things because we’ve been lied to, used and taken full advantage of our whole lives and our parents and grandparents and great grandparents before them.  

          Every day more and more information is coming out that is mind blowing.  I can hardly keep up with it.  Remember folks:  United we stand; divided we fall!  The bad guys, the Cabal, the Left, the Deep State, whatever you want to call them, are united.  We are not!  Let’s get it together and unite or we won’t be living in a free country anymore for very long.  

          He goes on at the end of how the government intends to take over and it’s through the welfare system.  They’re going to promise everyone equality housing, income, medical, and many other services if we just do what we’re told.  The fear that is being instilled in us thru the immigrants, the food shortage, the high prices and all that’s going on in the world is supposed to get us to the point where we’ll be willing to give up all our freedoms if our own security is promised.  And that’s how they move us into a Socialistic government first, but it won’t be what you think it’ll be.  There will be 2 classes:  the very rich, who rule and the very poor - us!  Then it will just move in communism and that’ll be that.  Don’t be fooled!  If we don’t get back our Christian roots, repent and ask God to help us, we’re done!


Here's another video about abolishing the Federal Reserve.  In case you didn't know this, the Federal Reserve central banking system is going down as we speak.  Hopefully the whole thing will crash very soon now and we can get on with the new QFS system NESARA/GESARA,  It'll seem really good at first, but don't forget, the Tribulation has not come yet, and will be coming, so enjoy all this while you can...


     Well, well, well.... this is a first for MSM.... Fox is now admitting that the 2020 election was rigged and fraudulent...





     This very short video is just an encouragement to you letting you know how much Jesus actually did for you over 2,000 years ago and is still as fresh and good as it was when He did it.  It is finished!  Yes, it is!  All our sins were taking upon Him on the cross when he suffered and died for you - willingly!  All your sins were forgiven and all your diseases were healed! Pass tense!  If you truly, ask, believe and receive, those promises are as good today as they were 2,000 years ago.  Have a listen...


All you have to do is believe, ask Him to forgive you of all yours sins and come and live in your heart and be your Lord and Savior.  That's all!  It's free.  You only have to belive, receive and start your new life in Christ right now...  Tetelestai!

It is finished!